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Welcome to the World of Web3 and Digital Assets

Hi, my name is Chris. I used to be a huge crypto skeptic. Like many of you, I thought it was a scam, backed by nothing, with no use cases.


At best, I thought it was just something I didn't need. I was wrong - and you are too.


Crypto belongs in everyone's portfolio. Yes, everyone. Your 3-year-old should own crypto.


Crypto, though, is still a new technology. It can be scary and difficult to grasp at first.


There's another big reason why most haven't started their crypto journey: Time.


You have other important things in your life - a family, some friends, a job, and hobbies. You don't have time to learn about an entirely new financial system on your own.


That's why Make Crypto Simple is here.


We're here to save you time, and ensure you don't miss out on the biggest financial opportunity in the history of mankind.


Right now, you have the chance to take part in the beginning stages of a new financial system. It's really important for your future that you take it.


Select an option below and get started!

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